In 2017 we united the best & most prestigious German Counter-Strike players to compete with the world's leading esport organizations. What followed was a tremendous success story. Today our starting roster is among the best teams in the world and competes on the biggest stages of esports.
League of Legends is undoubtedly the driving force in esports. Since the release in 2009, more than 100 million people fell in love with the famous MOBA title. In March 2018 we joined forces with a young and tremendously talented LoL squad, who are representing BIG with all their passion and dedication for the game.
Another addition to our Counter-Strike department, BIG EQUIPA is our Iberian powerhouse competing in the ESL Impact league! Stay up to date with one of the best women's team in the world.
We are excited to announce BIG’s strategic entry into Fortnite, a decision that has been carefully planned for an extensive period. As we expand our games portfolio, we are committed to significantly increasing our investment in our Fortnite division. Fortnite’s global appeal, with hundreds of millions of players, offers immense potential, particularly in the DACH region.
In June 2018, we revealed our expansion into FIFA esports, signing German talent Oguzhan “oguzhan” Metin as our first FIFA player. With the release of FIFA19 in September, we made it our goal to become more involved with the game and the professional circuit. Today we are excited to announce that Ali “PredatorFIFA” Oskoui Rad...Read More
Little over three months ago, we made our first steps into the Fortnite pro scene by signing Daniel “DomiNate” Garcia as our Fortnite player and streamer. DomiNate quickly made a name for himself in the scene, securing invites to the Summer and Fall Skirmish tournament series, where he has won nearly $20,000 already. Today, we...Read More
The past few months have been some of the most successful and action-packed ones in the history of Berlin International Gaming. Even we had a hard time keeping up with everything, so we are here to summarize all that has happened in the BIG camp this summer! Our new CS:GO line-up with prized UK awper...Read More
Nach unserem Einstieg in die Nachwuchsförderung gemeinsam mit OMEN im August 2018 und der anschließenden fünfwöchigen Bewerbungs- und Castingphase, können wir heute unser erstes offizielles BIG. OMEN Academy Team der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Vorangegangen ist die Auswertung hunderter Bewerbungen, Replays und Motivationsschreiben und die Sichtung der ausgewählten Talente während der intensiven Casting-Phase durch unsere Experten Alexander “kakafu”...Read More
Nach einer fünfwöchigen Bewerbungs- und Castingphase nähern wir uns der Entscheidung. Heute Abend, ab 20:00 CET, werden Fatih “gob b” Dayik, Alexander “kakafu” Szymanczyk und Michele “zonixx” Köhler gemeinsam das Finale unseres OMEN by HP Academy Castings übertragen. Die Sichtung von hunderten Bewerbungen, Replays und Motivationsschreiben und die Analyse der Casting-Ergebnisse hat eindeutig gezeigt, dass...Read More
Start der Castingphase für das offizielle OMEN Academy Team am 17.09.2018 mit Michele “zonixx” Köhler Hunderte Bewerbungen, Replays und Motivationsschreiben. Jede einzelne Bewerbung repräsentiert dabei nicht nur den Willen ein Teil von Berlin International Gaming zu werden, sondern einen Traum. Der Traum irgendwann selbst als Mitglied eines eingeschworenen Teams in der Kölner Lanxess Arena, der...Read More
Over the course of the past few months, we have closely followed the impressive growth of Fortnite, looking for the best opportunity to enter the scene. After reviewing all our prospects in the space, the selection ultimately fell on Daniel “DomiNate” Garcia, who will be joining Berlin International Gaming as our Fortnite player and streamer!...Read More
In all sports including eSports, top-notch equipment is essential in bringing the most out of your athletes, and allowing them to unleash their full potential without any restrictions. Berlin International Gaming has always aimed to create an environment where it’s athletes can excel, and to be able to do so, we partner with the leading...Read More
Earlier this month, we have teased the signing of a new player on Twitter, leaving many of you guessing about who we have picked up. Today, we are really excited to reveal our expansion to FIFA esports, as we join forces with the top German talent Oguzhan “oguzhan” Metin! The 22-year-old talent has already made...Read More
After what was a stormy and uncertain period in the history of BIG, we are finally on the uptrend again, bolstered by the acquisition of Owen “smooya” Butterfield from Epsilon as our permanent fifth. Although we haven’t played much with the young English talent yet, we have a lot of great news to share with...Read More