FIFA Update – Welcome Dennis “DeHammer” Hammer

Berlin, September 17th 2019 – Following the departure of Richard “Der_Gaucho10” Hormes to Borussia Mönchengladbach, we are excited to announce the arrival of Dennis “DeHammer” Hammer to the BIG FIFA team!

As we looked for candidates to fill the spot of Der_Gaucho10, we found that Dennis was the perfect choice as an addition beside Ali “PredatorFIFA” Oskoui Rad. The two have already have a mutual history in competing in FIFA, playing in various tournaments together, building synergy and teamwork that will prove essential as they reunite. Dennis himself has an impressive resumé, making the grand finals of the Virtual Bundesliga in 2018.

To match the arrival of Dennis to BIG, his teammate Ali “PredatorFIFA” Oskoui Rad will continue competing on XBOX, switching from his previous platform – the PlayStation. 


Statement Daniel Finkler, CEO

After we had a quite successful year in FIFA 2019, where we made it to the Grand Final of the Virtual Bundesliga, we want to continue our journey in FIFA 2020. Since we agreed on a transfer of Richard “Der_Gaucho10” Hormes to Borussia Möchengladbach, it was our goal to find the right replacement. Dennis “DeHammer” Hammer already proved his talent, and we immediately felt that he is the right fit. I am happy that we now have a young and talented FIFA roster for the next season, as we already extended our agreement with Ali “PredatorFIFA” Oskoui Rad. Welcome to BIG, Dennis!


Statement Dennis “DeHammer” Hammer, Player

Ich freue mich sehr ein Teil von BIG für die anstehende Saison sein zu dürfen. Meine Ziele sind klar, ich möchte sowohl national, als auch international angreifen und werde mein Bestes geben, BIG erfolgreich zu repräsentieren! #GOBIG

I’m super excited to be a part of BIG for the upcoming FIFA season! My goals are clear, I want to attack both nationally and internationally and will do my best to represent BIG successfully! #GOBIG


Please give a warm welcome to Dennis, and follow him on Twitter for more updates on BIG FIFA!

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